How FJD Tractor Autosteer Has Been Reducing Farmers' Input Costs? As farmers across the northern hemisphere start their spring planting in 2022, they are facing yet a pricing chart that is even more ridiculous than 2021 — fertilizer and fuel pricing have hit their a... Cost Saving FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit FJD AT2 Auto steer system Precision Agriculture 8月 26, 2022 User Case
FJD Autosteer Boosting Our Farmers' Productivity This Spring Tractor autosteer is the first step in a transition into precision agriculture, an entire farming system based on the reduction of waste and increasing yields. It is the ability to grow more from less... Auto Steer System FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit Precision Agriculture 8月 26, 2022 User Case
FJD 3D Excavator Guidance System Effectively Reduces Fuel Consumption and Increases Construction Efficiency Since the introduction of the concept of Industry 4.0, the world has been accelerating the construction of digital infrastructure. As a global robotics company, FJDynamics released its solution--3D Ex... Digital Construction FJD G31 3D Excavator Guidance System 8月 26, 2022 User Case
Tractor Auto Steer Used in Precision Agriculture Tractor auto steer systems are now widely used in precision agriculture because of their high precision and field information management and sharing features, to make farming easier and more efficient... Cost Saving FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit FJD AT2 Auto steer system Precision Agriculture 7月 28, 2022 Technology
RTK-GNSSはどのように高精度位置測位を実現しますか? RTK-GNSSはリアルタイムに誤差数センチメートルの高精度位置測位を実現できます。高精度位置決めを必要とする分野で広く活用されています。よく耳にしたGPSはGNSSの一種として 、RTK-GNSS技術を指す場合、RTK-GPS技術を使用するのが一般的です。 GNSSとは GNSSとは、Global Navigation Satellite System(全地球航法衛星システム)の英語表記の略であ... FJD AT2 Auto steer system FJD G31 3D Excavator Guidance System FJD V1 Base Station Precision Agriculture 7月 28, 2022 Technology
How to Choose a Suitable Excavator Grade Control System for Your Construction Project? The excavator grade control system is a crucial component for excavator guidance in digital construction. It ensures that the operator performs operations with high accuracy by importing the design fi... Digital Construction FJD G31 3D Excavator Guidance System 6月 17, 2022 Technology
Be More Productive in the Coming Season with Your Machinery Purchasing new machineries is a hard decision for most farmers. On the one hand, new machineries with the most advanced technologies will lead to a significant increase in productivity, while on the o... FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit Precision Agriculture 4月 28, 2022 Product Updates
FJDynamics to Launch Autosteering Kit in Europe "FJDynamics (FJD) will launch its Autosteering Kit in Europe in the second half of 2020." FJDynamics Autosteering Kit uses satellite navigation to control the steering-wheel so that the vehicle can dr... FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit Precision Agriculture 7月 15, 2020 Company News