FJD PaintMaster Pro は、スポーツ フィールドに欠かせないインテリジェントなライン マーキング ロボットです。2 つの産業グレードの GNSS 測位システムとローカル ベース ステーションにより、センチメートル レベルの精度を実現します。FJD のレーザー キットと組み合わせると、このロボットは木の下やスタンドの近くなど、GPS が困難な場所でもミリメートル レベルのマーキング精度を実現します。時間と人件費を大幅に節約できるこのロボットは、あらゆるスポーツ フィールドに最適なソリューションです。
High Precision From Start to Finish
Provide stable signals with a local base station, ensuring that every line is marked precisely on point.
Reduce the risk of signal drift with super stability.
Reduce the risk of signal drift with super stability.
Save money by eliminating the need to purchase additional NTRIP accounts.
*FJD N10 CORSステーションによって提供される専門的なNTRIPをサポート。

Convenient Mapping
Come standard with a portable handheld point marker, helping you complete mapping in a few minutes without driving a vehicle around the field for boundary confirmation.
Save Cost, Increase Efficiency

User-friendly Software
- Allow for customizing marking maps based on your needs.
- Distribute maps to corresponding devices from the cloud platform.
- Support fleet management for marking with multiple devices at the same time.
- Switch to the next field automatically upon completing the current marking task when you have multiple fields to mark.
- Monitor marking status in real time and control marking operation and image feed remotely from the app without being on the field.
Designed for Convenience
- Lightweight and portable design for easy transportation.
- Independent paint filling port for fast and convenient paint refills.
- Easy paint bucket change for faster pipeline cleaning. Standard tablet for easy control and convenient use.
- Removable structure makes it easy to repair and maintain. Versatile battery can be used to power other devices.

Safe and Reliable
Custom Field Logo

Application Scenarios
Certified Paint

Certified Paint