Have you ever lost your signal in the middle of seeding season? Or have you ever felt like your GPS accuracy went away the second you hit the field? Farmers and agricultural pros know the struggle: one minute you've got perfect GPS, the next...nothing. How do you keep planting straight rows or running equipment with centimeter-level accuracy when your navigation signal is spotty or gone completely?

FJDynamics has a clever tech solution: navigation systems that really work, whether you have a strong signal, a weak signal, or no signal at all. Just imagine never having to worry about losing your way because of poor satellite signal. Now, let's break down how FJD makes "precision in any condition" a reality.

Strong Network: RTK Takes the Wheel

When cellular signals are strong and steady, navigation goes well on any farming vehicle. For farmers working in areas with reliable cellular coverage, FJD's systems deliver 2.5 cm precision—the gold standard for high-accuracy farming. Here's how it works:
  • Local SIM Card + RTK (NTRIP): You generally need a local SIM card for network connection and a NTRIP account to receive RTK corrections from local CORS networks. RTK uses real-time data from nearby base stations to refine GPS signals, eliminating errors caused by atmospheric interference or satellite orbit deviations.
  • Simple Setup, Instant Results: RTK requires minimal configuration and provides immediate, ultra-precise positioning. This is ideal for tasks like row planting, spraying, or harvesting, where even minor deviations can lead to costly overlaps or missed patches.

Why farmers love it:

  • Perfect for routine operations in connected regions
  • Minimal setup time and maximum precision

Pro Tip: RTK is the go-to solution for 90% of farmers—so if your farm has good coverage, RTK is ready to work for you. Please note that free RTK service is available in some European countries—and often only for farming. You can check this with your local government or FJD dealers to confirm availability. For more options, ask if FJD dealers have deployed the FJD CORS network in your area.

Weak Network: PPP Takes Over for Continuous Connectivity

When cellular connectivity flickers, you surely get upset during the busy farming window. Rural areas often suffer from inconsistent signals, especially during storms or in hilly terrain. The RTK systems struggle here, but FJD's technology thrives:
  • Auto-Switch to PPP: When RTK doesn't work in poor network, FJD's system keeps your operation continuity for scores of minutes and then seamlessly switches to PPP (Precise Point Positioning), a satellite-based correction technology. PPP uses global correction data (not local base stations) to achieve a positioning accuracy within 20 centimeters—slightly less precise than RTK but far superior to standard GPS.
  • 4G/3G/2G Downgrade: FJD's proprietary algorithms maintain stable positioning by intelligently downgrading connectivity. Even with weak signals, your tractor or implement stays on course.

Why this matters:

  • Prevent workflow interruptions
  • Reduce reliance on perfect connectivity
Real-World Application: Imagine planting a sloping field where cellular coverage drops from time to time. With FJD's auto-switching, your planter won't miss any area—no zigzagging rows or wasted seeds.

No Network: Satellite-Based Tech Rises to the Rescue

When you're truly off the grid, there is nothing to worry about as long as you get an FJD autosteering kit by your side. For remote operations—think forestry, mining, or large-scale ranching—FJD offers satellite-based solutions that require zero cellular infrastructure:
  • New Models (AT2 Max & AT2 Lite): FJD offers a built-in proprietary satellite module that requires a paid license to unlock 2.5 cm accuracy via satellite broadcast. This hardware-ready feature works straight out of the box—no base stations or SIM cards are needed.
  • Old Models (AT2): FJD gives you free satellite options: BeiDou (BDS), Galileo, PPP, or SBAS (Satellite-Based Augmentation System) for 10 cm accuracy. You need to manually select your preferred constellation based on regional availability.
  • Base Station Solutions: V1 Base Station and N20 GNSS Station. The V1 achieves 2.5 cm accuracy within a 3–5 km radius of the base station, whereas the N20 expands this coverage to 20–30 km, making it ideal for large-scale farms. The N20 has been deployed in some regions without network connection, and you can apply for use.

Why network-free solutions stand out:

  • Work perfectly even without network requirements, which is ideal for remote farming areas.
  • Provide future-proof hardware in new models or as affordable accessories, ensuring your investment stays profitable for years.
  • No farmer is left behind. FJD delivers solutions for every farmer in every scenario.

Keeping Your Bottom Line with FJD Navigation Tech

Connectivity shouldn't slow down productivity. The untamed fields, the remote orchards, and the hidden corners of your operation — these are where your work succeeds, not where it stumbles because of signal issues. With FJDynamics, you're not just buying a navigation system; you're investing to keep your bottom line, growing your farming business with more productivity and profitability.

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