


From Risk to Reward: FJD Autosteering Tech Boosts 50% Efficiency and Quick ROI to a Farm in Venezuela

FJD automatic guidance technology transforms a Venezuelan farm, increasing its agricultural efficiency by 50% with millimeter accuracy and generating a rapid return on investment. The FJD AT2 enabled Agrícola La Cumbre to increase daily production from 20 to 30 hectares, overcoming rural connectivity challenges and demonstrating precision agriculture optimizes resources in Latin American conditions.

FJDynamics launches new guidance and steering solutions debuting in Spain at FIMA 2024

Zaragoza, Spain, February 13, 2024 -FJDynamics made waves at FIMA 2024, showcasing its cutting-edge guidance and steering technologies for the first time in Spain and the Southern European region. The FJDynamics stand was packed with professionals eager to get a close look, as FJD representatives demonstrated the innovative technologies in action including AG1 Guidance System, AH1 Hydraulic Autosteering Kit, and AT1 & AT2 Autosteering systems...

FJDynamics and Laser y GPS Co-hosted a Technical Webinar to Boost Precision Agriculture in Latin America

SINGAPORE, August 9, 2024 — FJDynamics, in collaboration with its Mexican partner Laser y GPS, successfully co-hosted a webinar titled "Precision Agriculture with FJDynamics: New Functionalities". The event, specifically targeting Spanish-speaking countries, took place on the Zoom platform from 5:00 to 6:00 PM, August 7, Mexico City time.

ISOBUS: Hassas Tarıma Verimlilik ve Kolaylık Getirin

Çiftçilik sürecinin tamamında, genellikle çeşitli işlemler için farklı aletlerin kullanılması gerekir. Tek bir terminal kullanarak farklı ekipmanları nasıl kolayca bağlayabilir ve kontrol edebiliriz? ISOBUS bu sorunu çözmek için oluşturuldu...

Hidrolik ve Elektrikli Otomatik Dümenleme Sistemleri Arasında Seçim Yapmak: Hangisi İhtiyaçlarınıza Uygun?

Otomatik dümenleme sistemleri tarımda giderek daha popüler hale geliyor. Traktör otomatik dümenleme sistemi, tarım işlemlerinin doğruluğunu ve verimliliğini artırmak için tarım araçlarının yönlendirilmesini otomatikleştiren GNSS destekli bir sistemdir. Aracı planlı bir yol boyunca yönlendirmek için GNSS teknolojisinden ve çoklu sensörlerden yararlanarak çiftçinin diğer görevlere odaklanmasına olanak tanır. Mahsullerin uygun bir şekilde ekilmesini ve hasat edilmesini sağlayarak çiftçilerin mahsul verimlerini optimize etmelerine yardımcı olur...


FJD 農機自動操舵システムは、日本の農家さんに広く利用されており、生産性と収穫量の向上に役立っています。FJD 製品について、農家の使用感想を共有いたします。

FJDynamics、日本最大/アジア最大級!農業·畜産の展示会「-J AGRI TECH- 第2回 スマート農業EXPO」に出展

FJDynamicsがこのたび、 2024年 5月22日(水)~5月24日(金)の3日間にわたり開催された「-J AGRI TECH- 第2回 スマート農業EXPO」に出展致しました。 展示会で多数の新製品が参考出品され、好評を博しました。 3日間で10,000名を超える方が来場し、FJDynamicsブースにもたくさんの方にお立ち寄りいただきありがとうございました....


FJDynamicsが 2024年5月22日(水)~5月24日(金)幕張メッセで開催された「第6回 建設・測量生産性向上展 (CSPI-EXPO 2024)」に出展いたしました。FJDynamicsは測量、建設業に限らず、点検、文化財の保護など、様々な分野のプロフェッショナルに解決案を提供します。 またハードウェアとソフトウェアの両方を含むFJDトリオンは、正確で信頼性の高い地理空間ソリューションをお客様に提供しています。....

Driving the Future of Smart Farming: How a Young Rice Grower Harnessed Precision Tech for Award-Winning Success in Japan

When 21-year-old Takehiro Mada won the prestigious gold medal of "Your Choice of Japan's Most Delicious Rice Contest" in 2023, his breakout success was a testament not only to his farming prowess, but also to the power of advanced agricultural technology....

How GNSS & RTK Technology Achieve High-Precision Positioning?

GNSS combined with RTK is a solution that can realize real-time precise positioning, and the positioning accuracy reaches centimeter level. It is widely used in application scenarios that require high-precision positioning. GPS as a kind of GNSS, people often use RTK GPS technology to refer to RTK GNSS technology...

IMU - How This Built-in Feature Is Revolutionizing Autosteering Systems

If your company is in search of a reliable and efficient autosteering solution for your agricultural equipment, you may have come across the term IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit). It is an advanced sensor and has been built into the FJD AT2 Auto Steer System. As it is rapidly gaining importance in autosteering systems, this article delves into what IMU is and its significance for your farming operations throughout seasons...