We are excited to announce the release of the FJD Trion Model V115. This release brings several improvements to enhance user experience. Check out what's new and improved below.

1. Car Mount Support

Vehicle mode is added in point cloud mapping to get better data quality.

2. Advanced Settings for Point Cloud Mapping

Back to starting point, dynamic object removal and RTK receiver offsets are available to meet the requirements in different scenarios and mounting modes. 

3. Simpler Colorization

Coloring range and environment settings are deleted to make point cloud colorization more clear.

4. Continue Scanning for Splicing

Automatic splicing of point cloud for continuous scanning is now supported, making point cloud processing more efficient.

5. Automatic Correction of Control Point Order

During coordinate transformation, the point order can be automatically adjusted to maintain consistency with the reference point order.

6. Shoulder Support for FJD Trion V10i / V1t

Shoulder support is added for the FJD Trion P1, with FJD Trion V10i / V1t supported to complete RTK registration for georeferenced point cloud.

7. DBH Adjustment

The breast location can be adjusted to meet the DBH calculation requirements of different countries or regions.

8. German Support

9.  Colorization Optimization

A.  Indoor and outdoor color difference transition

B.  Moving objects removal

C.  Brightness optimization

10. Camera Calibration File Integration

Camera calibration file is integrated into fjdata to simplify colorization.

11. Control Point Renaming in FJD Trion Scan

Download here: FJD Trion Model V115 for Windows


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