3 Reasons Why U-Turn Should Be A Part Of Your Precision Ag Effort "I left it to the tractor and just got off and watched," said Kazu, a 70-year-old farmer from Japan who was testing the U-Turn function released by FJD back in May. In one of his YouTube videos , Kazu... FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit Precision Agriculture out. 24, 2022
3 Reasons Why Precision Farming Is Worth Your Investment Inflation is what people have been talking about in 2022 and farmers are among the first to take the brunt of it. The rise in input costs has caused farmers to adopt animal waste or switch to crops th... FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit FJD AT2 Auto steer system Precision Agriculture set. 16, 2022
How FJD Tractor Autosteer Has Been Reducing Farmers' Input Costs? As farmers across the northern hemisphere start their spring planting in 2022, they are facing yet a pricing chart that is even more ridiculous than 2021 — fertilizer and fuel pricing have hit their a... Cost Saving FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit FJD AT2 Auto steer system Precision Agriculture ago. 26, 2022
FJD Autosteer Boosting Our Farmers' Productivity This Spring Tractor autosteer is the first step in a transition into precision agriculture, an entire farming system based on the reduction of waste and increasing yields. It is the ability to grow more from less... Auto Steer System FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit Precision Agriculture ago. 26, 2022